Birth Classes
Updated January, 2010
“Birth is the beginning of life – the beginning of mothering and fathering. We all deserve a good beginning.”
Dr Sarah Buckley
As a practising NHS midwife I am passionately committed to the NHS – however funding in some areas for parentcraft education has been drastically reduced and I have been approached by pregnant couples who have requested this service!
These classes are designed to reinstate the ecstasy of birth – this seems to have been forgotten somewhat. It has for many become a dispassionate medical event and yet it is genetically encoded in our bodies – we just need to reclaim our birthing bodies – we can heal the earth by healing Birth.
- History of Birth – Early Imprinting
- Exploring Place of Birth
- Normal process of Birth
- The Love Hormone -Oxytocin
- Non Pharmalogical comfort measures
- Pharmalogical methods available
- Partner involvement in the birth process
- Interventions – pros and cons
- Breastfeeding
- Packing and Planning
- Your BirthDay
A holistic approach to birth allows you to explore your questions, curiosities and any fears around birth. Childbirth and Parenting Preparation classes will engage your body, mind and spirit and provide you with the tools you need to have the birth you seek.