Infant massage
Updated January, 2010
Babies need touch to survive, they need it to thrive. Study after study has proven that. Instinctively, you knew that….the first thing you wanted to do after that sweet creature was born was to touch it, to stroke it, to love it…
But, sometimes instinct needs a little help.
HypnoBirthing® Infant Massage Classes will teach you basic strokes and routines to use to calm and soothe your baby, and help to establish the blissful relationship you imagined you would have with your baby while you were still pregnant.
You had to learn to relax while you were pregnant so that you could give birth in the most natural way that you could imagine, and you can learn to use touch to connect to your baby in the same natural, easy way.
HypnoBirthing® teaches parents how to relax and have a gentle, peaceful birth the way that nature intended.
HypnoBirthing® Infant Massage Classes take that relaxation a step further, by teaching parents effective ways to massage and touch their babies that promote calm and gentle little people.
Even if you weren’t a HypnoBirthing® parent, you can still take these classes…and you will probably even have greater benefits. These classes will teach you to relax when interacting with your baby, and how to relax in general. Yes, you learn specific massage strokes, but you will also come away with a newfound sense of empowerment, and a new level of trust in your own natural ability to communicate with your baby.
What are the Benefits of Massage?
To Baby:
- They know they are loved!
- They know good touch, so they won’t accept bad touch
- Higher IQs
- Better Individuation
- Promotes Attachment
- Encourages muscular coordination
- Helps baby to open and straighten arms and legs
- Massage helps with digestion
- Massage teaches children the concept of Hugs, not drugs
- Fosters body acceptance and awareness
- Gives baby’s body a chance to release birth issues
- Alleviates anxiety and depression
- Reduces stress hormones
- Reduces pain
- Enhances immune system function
- Facilitates weight gain in premature babies
- Relieves colic, constipation, reflux
- Improves sleep pattern
- Increases circulation
- Improves elimination of blood wastes
To the Family:
- Dad bonds with baby as effectively through massage as Mum does with breastfeeding.
- Older children can help, stand by with lotion (and wait for their own turn!)
- Serves as a calming ritual for everyone
- Gives mum and baby a chance to communicate
- Gives Mum a chance to release birth issues
- As children age, touch gives an opportunity to reconnect.
- Massage introduces a unique level of confidence and trust between parent and child.
To Society as a whole:
- Well adjusted, well bonded babies grown up to be well adjusted adults.